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MesopUI in FastAgency offers a web-based interface for interacting with multi-agent workflows. Unlike the ConsoleUI, which is text-based and runs in the command line, MesopUI provides a user-friendly browser interface, making it ideal for applications that need a more engaging, graphical interaction. MesopUI is perfect for building interactive web applications and enabling users to interact with agents in a more intuitive way.

To install FastAgency with MesopUI support, use the following command:

pip install "fastagency[autogen,mesop]"

This command ensures that the required dependencies for both AutoGen and MesopUI are installed.

Below, we’ll demonstrate how to set up a basic student-teacher conversation using MesopUI.

Example: Student and Teacher Learning Chat#

This example shows how to create a simple learning chat where a student agent interacts with a teacher agent. The student asks questions, and the teacher provides responses, simulating a learning environment. The conversation is facilitated through the web interface using MesopUI.

Step-by-Step Breakdown#

1. Import Required Modules#

We begin by importing the necessary modules from FastAgency and AutoGen. These imports provide the essential building blocks for creating agents, workflows, and integrating MesopUI.

import os

from autogen.agentchat import ConversableAgent

from fastagency import UI, FastAgency, Workflows
from fastagency.runtime.autogen.base import AutoGenWorkflows
from fastagency.ui.mesop import MesopUI
  • ConversableAgent: This class allows the creation of agents that can engage in conversational tasks.
  • FastAgency: The core class responsible for orchestrating workflows and connecting them with UIs.
  • UI and MesopUI: These classes define the user interface for interaction, with MesopUI enabling a web-based interaction.
  • AutoGenWorkflows: Manages the creation and execution of multi-agent workflows.

2. Configure the Language Model (LLM)#

Next, we configure the language model that powers the agents. In this case, we're using GPT-4o, and the API key is retrieved from the environment.

llm_config = {
    "config_list": [
            "model": "gpt-4o",
            "api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
    "temperature": 0.0,

wf = AutoGenWorkflows()
  • Explanation: The configuration specifies the LLM model and API key used for powering the conversation between agents. The temperature is set to 0.0 to ensure deterministic responses from the agents, making interactions consistent and reliable.

3. Define the Workflow and Agents#

Here, we define a simple workflow where the Student Agent interacts with the Teacher Agent. The student asks questions, and the teacher responds as a math teacher. The workflow is registered using AutoGenWorkflows.

@wf.register(name="simple_learning", description="Student and teacher learning chat")
def simple_workflow(
    wf: Workflows, ui: UI, initial_message: str, session_id: str
) -> str:
    student_agent = ConversableAgent(
        system_message="You are a student willing to learn.",
    teacher_agent = ConversableAgent(
        system_message="You are a math teacher.",

    chat_result = student_agent.initiate_chat(

    return chat_result.summary  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
  • Agent Overview: The Student Agent is configured with a system message, "You are a student willing to learn," and will initiate questions during the interaction. The Teacher Agent, on the other hand, is set up as a math teacher and will respond to the student's questions.
  • Workflow Registration: The workflow is registered under the name simple_learning. The ConversableAgent class is used to represent both the student and teacher agents, allowing them to communicate with each other up to 5 turns before summarizing the conversation using the reflection_with_llm method.

4. Using MesopUI#

Finally, we instantiate MesopUI to link the workflow to a web-based interface. This allows the user to interact with the agents through a web browser.

from fastagency.ui.mesop import MesopUI
app = FastAgency(wf=wf, ui=MesopUI())
  • Explanation: Here, we set up the MesopUI as the user interface for the workflow, which will allow the entire agent interaction to take place through a web-based platform.

Complete Application Code#
import os

from autogen.agentchat import ConversableAgent

from fastagency import UI, FastAgency, Workflows
from fastagency.runtime.autogen.base import AutoGenWorkflows
from fastagency.ui.mesop import MesopUI

llm_config = {
    "config_list": [
            "model": "gpt-4o",
            "api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
    "temperature": 0.0,

wf = AutoGenWorkflows()

@wf.register(name="simple_learning", description="Student and teacher learning chat")
def simple_workflow(
    wf: Workflows, ui: UI, initial_message: str, session_id: str
) -> str:
    student_agent = ConversableAgent(
        system_message="You are a student willing to learn.",
    teacher_agent = ConversableAgent(
        system_message="You are a math teacher.",

    chat_result = student_agent.initiate_chat(

    return chat_result.summary  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

app = FastAgency(wf=wf, ui=MesopUI())

Running the Application#

Once the workflow is set up, you can run the application using the FastAgency CLI. Navigate to the directory where the script is located and run the following command:

fastagency run

This will launch a local web server, and you will be able to access the MesopUI interface through your browser. The web interface will display the interaction between the student and teacher agents, allowing you to input questions and see the teacher’s responses.


Ensure that your OpenAI API key is set in the environment, as the agents rely on it to interact using GPT-4o. If the API key is not correctly configured, the application may fail to retrieve LLM-powered responses.

Debugging Tips#

If you encounter issues running the application, ensure that:

  • The OpenAI API key is correctly set in your environment variables.
  • All necessary packages are installed, especially the fastagency[autogen,mesop] dependencies.
  • The MesopUI web interface is accessible from the browser, and no firewall is blocking the connection.

By using MesopUI, developers can create interactive, web-based multi-agent applications with ease. This interface is ideal for building user-friendly, browser-accessible systems, enabling users to interact with agents in a more engaging and visual environment. You can extend this workflow for more complex scenarios, such as tutoring systems, customer support, or real-time information retrieval.