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Runtimes in FastAgency#

FastAgency is a flexible, open-source framework designed to accelerate the transition from prototype to production for multi-agent AI workflows. If you're a developer working with agentic frameworks like AutoGen, FastAgency provides the tools to rapidly scale your projects into fully operational applications. A key feature of FastAgency is its support for multiple runtimes, allowing developers to switch between or combine various frameworks based on project needs. With multi-framework compatibility, FastAgency ensures that your workflows are not only optimized for today’s needs but also future-proofed as new frameworks emerge.


The AutoGen runtime is central to FastAgency’s architecture and provides a powerful foundation for multi-agent workflows. AutoGen allows developers to define workflows in Python, leveraging large language models (LLMs) such as GPT to handle communication and collaboration between agents. It enables rapid prototyping and deployment of workflows that involve tasks like decision-making, customer service, or research.

FastAgency seamlessly integrates with AutoGen, helping you transition from development in Jupyter notebooks to fully deployed applications. Whether you're managing conversational agents or orchestrating task automation, the AutoGen runtime in FastAgency helps you streamline the path from prototype to production.

For more information on using AutoGen within FastAgency, visit the AutoGen section.

CrewAI (coming soon)#

The CrewAI runtime is an upcoming integration designed to further expand FastAgency’s capabilities. CrewAI offers a highly modular approach, providing greater flexibility for building more complex and dynamic workflows where agents need to collaborate autonomously. Its role-based design, combined with autonomous task delegation, makes CrewAI particularly suitable for projects involving a large number of specialized agents working in tandem.

As the AI ecosystem continues to evolve, FastAgency’s support for CrewAI ensures that your workflows remain adaptable and ready for future innovations. This planned integration allows you to harness the advanced features of CrewAI, offering more options for scaling your multi-agent applications.

For future updates and documentation on CrewAI, please visit the CrewAI section.

With support for multiple runtimes, FastAgency enables developers to easily switch between frameworks like AutoGen and CrewAI, providing unmatched flexibility when building and deploying AI workflows. Whether you are utilizing the established features of AutoGen or preparing to explore CrewAI’s advanced capabilities, FastAgency ensures that your AI solutions are future-ready and capable of evolving alongside new technologies.