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FastAgency CLI Overview#

The FastAgency Command Line Interface (CLI) enables developers to manage and run FastAgency projects directly from the terminal. The CLI simplifies interactions with FastAgency apps, providing options for running, testing, and managing workflows efficiently. Below is an overview of the key commands and options available in the FastAgency CLI.

CLI Commands#


fastagency dev [OPTIONS] [PATH]
The dev command runs a FastAgency app in development mode, which is equivalent to running fastagency run but with live reload enabled. This is useful for testing and development, as it listens on and automatically detects the Python module or package that needs to be imported based on the file or directory path provided.

Command Details:#

  • If no path is provided, it will try to locate the application using common file names like,,, or from the app directory.
  • It automatically detects the FastAgency app object to use, typically looking for an object named app or api. If it cannot find either, it uses the first FastAgency app found in the imported module or package.

Common Options:#

  • --app: The name of the variable that contains the FastAgency app in the imported module or package. If not provided, it is detected automatically.
  • --workflow (-w): The name of the workflow to run. If not provided, the default workflow will be run.
  • --initial_message (-i): The initial message to send to the workflow. If not provided, a default message will be sent.


fastagency run [OPTIONS] [PATH]
The run command starts a FastAgency app in production mode, similar to the fastagency dev command, but optimized for production environments.

Command Details:#

  • If no path is provided, it will try to locate the application using common file names like,,, or from the app directory.
  • It automatically detects the FastAgency app object to use, typically looking for an object named app or api. If it cannot find either, it uses the first FastAgency app found in the imported module or package.

Common Options:#

  • --app: The name of the variable that contains the FastAgency app in the imported module or package. If not provided, it is detected automatically.
  • --workflow (-w): The name of the workflow to run. If not provided, the default workflow will be run.
  • --initial_message (-i): The initial message to send to the workflow. If not provided, a default message will be sent.


fastagency version
The version command shows the currently installed version of FastAgency.

Global Options#

  • --version: Displays the current version of FastAgency.
  • --install-completion: Installs shell completion for supported shells (bash, zsh, etc.).
  • --show-completion: Shows the shell completion script for manual installation or customization.
  • --help: Displays detailed help information for commands.

Example Usage#

Running a FastAgency App in Development Mode#

fastagency dev path/to/

Running a FastAgency App with a Specific Workflow#

fastagency run path/to/ --workflow simple_workflow

Setting an Initial Message#

fastagency run path/to/ --initial_message "Hello, let's start!"

For more information, visit the FastAgency Docs or join our Discord community.