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fastagency.runtime.autogen.base.AutoGenWorkflows #


Bases: Workflows

Initialize the workflows.

Source code in fastagency/runtime/autogen/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Initialize the workflows."""
    self._workflows: dict[
        str, tuple[Callable[[Workflows, UI, str, str], str], str]
    ] = {}

names property #

names: list[str]

get_description #

get_description(name: str) -> str
Source code in fastagency/runtime/autogen/
def get_description(self, name: str) -> str:
    _, description = self._workflows.get(name, (None, "Description not available!"))
    return description

register #

    name: str,
    description: str,
    fail_on_redefintion: bool = False
) -> Callable[[Workflow], Workflow]
Source code in fastagency/runtime/autogen/
def register(
    self, name: str, description: str, *, fail_on_redefintion: bool = False
) -> Callable[[Workflow], Workflow]:
    def decorator(func: Workflow) -> Workflow:
        if name in self._workflows:
            if fail_on_redefintion:
                raise ValueError(f"A workflow with name '{name}' already exists.")
                logger.warning(f"Overwriting workflow with name '{name}'")

        self._workflows[name] = func, description
        return func

    return decorator

register_api #

    api: OpenAPI,
    callers: Union[
        ConversableAgent, Iterable[ConversableAgent]
    executors: Union[
        ConversableAgent, Iterable[ConversableAgent]
    functions: Optional[
                Union[str, Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]]]
    ] = None,
) -> None
Source code in fastagency/runtime/autogen/
def register_api(
    api: "OpenAPI",
    callers: Union[ConversableAgent, Iterable[ConversableAgent]],
    executors: Union[ConversableAgent, Iterable[ConversableAgent]],
    functions: Optional[
        Union[str, Iterable[Union[str, Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]]]]]
    ] = None,
) -> None:
    if not isinstance(callers, Iterable):
        callers = [callers]
    if not isinstance(executors, Iterable):
        executors = [executors]
    if isinstance(functions, str):
        functions = [functions]

    for caller in callers:
        api._register_for_llm(caller, functions=functions)

    for executor in executors:
        api._register_for_execution(executor, functions=functions)

run #

    name: str, session_id: str, ui: UI, initial_message: str
) -> str
Source code in fastagency/runtime/autogen/
def run(self, name: str, session_id: str, ui: UI, initial_message: str) -> str:
    workflow, description = self._workflows[name]

    iostream = IOStreamAdapter(ui)

    with IOStream.set_default(iostream):
        return workflow(self, ui, initial_message, session_id)